Amber Sirstad

Don’t Stop!

Don’t stop what? Don’t stop doing what you are supposed to do. 2 Kings 13:14-19 records the story of the last act of Elisha before he died. The king of Israel, Joash, came to Elisha one last time. After Joash, following orders, shot an arrow out the window, Elisha ordered him to beat the other…

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Heal Thy Marriage Intensive

DayStar Ministries is now providing another venue for the healing of marriages. Please read this to become aware of the “Heal Thy Marriage” weekend intensive coming on August 13-15, 2023. Has your marriage suffered the pain and trauma of adultery? Are you struggling to put the pieces back together with your spouse and need help…

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Who is your Co-Pilot?

“Who is your Co-Pilot?” I remember this question being a big deal when I was a child. Brig. Gen. Robert L. Scott Jr., a World War II fighter ace, wrote a book in 1943 entitled “God Is My Co-Pilot.” If interested, you can read the history here. In the church setting, it was almost a…

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Manipulation or Motivation?

Manipulation or Motivation? Is there a difference? Is one better than the other? Are they the same? All good questions. Let’s find out. Although manipulation and motivation start with the letter ‘m’, and there may seem to be some similarities, they are pretty different. Manipulation of people is always wrong and a negative experience for…

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Apostolic Moral Purity Update

Apostolic Moral Purity is now over 27 months old. Much has happened during that time, for which we are grateful. For those not aware, Apostolic Moral Purity (AMP) became an endorsed entity of the UPCI during the October General Conference. Apostolic Moral Purity has the vision to reach every Apostolic man and woman battling pornography…

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Conflict is the Gateway to Growth

Conflict is the gateway to growth? Yup! You may not want to read this as much as I don’t want to write it. I doubt it though. I so wanted to go another direction but this kept coming back. So, here goes. I’m going to take up some space by providing some definitions so as…

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Sin Starts With A Distraction!

Sin starts with a distraction. The distraction is not necessarily the sin, but it potentially opens the door to sin. The definition of distraction is “a thing that prevents someone from giving full attention to something else” (Oxford University Press). I ‘randomly’ saw this quote today after I started writing this. I don’t know its…

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The Angry Patriot Prophet

Jonah was the angry patriot prophet. Jonah was a prophet who was a patriot. And he was a patriot who was a prophet. In reading the book of Jonah, it seems that he was a patriot before he was a prophet. At least, that is the way I read it. Jonah admits to believing God…

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Oxymoronic Paradoxical Statements

Huh? What in the world is an oxymoronic paradoxical statement? This might be the first time anyone has ever asked this question in the history of the world. Not, “Huh?” The other one.  Paul made more than one oxymoronic paradoxical statement. However, one is found in 2 Corinthians 12:10, “For the sake of Christ, then, I am…

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Accepting Affection

It is difficult for some people to accept affection. There are those that struggle with accepting affection on the surface, beneath the surface or both.  Relationships deteriorate when affection is given but not received. This can happen with spouses, between parents and children, with siblings, and in a variety of other relationships.  It is possible…

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An Announcement!

We have an announcement! For those not aware, DayStar Ministries birthed a group called Apostolic Moral Purity in September of 2020. Over the last 21 months, much has been accomplished. Currently, AMP is producing online events twice a month, which is posted on Facebook and on their YouTube channel. Some recent guests have been Rev. Stan Gleason and Rev. Esmeralda…

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Devoted To Destruction

For Christmas 2021, I bought myself 3 Bibles. One of them is an ESV Readers Bible. It has six volumes and has no verse or chapter divisions. I have been reading it this year and am thoroughly enjoying it. In Deuteronomy, Moses gave a history lesson to the people of Israel of their progression from…

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